Injection vs Facade. 5. Define the route for CRUD. Nowadays, JSON is becoming more and more popular. Make a controller for the CRUD system. The templates jQuery code at the bottom stops the default submission (which would automatically redirect to a separate page), creates an ajax request, loads the request with the form data and uploaded the file, and sends the whole thing into the first layer of our application: the request. PHP. The syntax of the jQuery ajax request is the following. vue3-easy-data-table - A easy-to-use data table component made with Vue.js 3.x, referring to the API and UI of data table component in Vuetify 2. lv2-datatable - Integrate the Laravel datatables with your Vue app without using JQuery. Import jquery library in your view file to use ajax functions of jquery which will be used to send and receive data using ajax from the server. jQuery.ajax( url [, settings ] ) The first parameter is the URL to which the request is sent. To update the data in mysql table UPDATE statement is used. XSS). XSS). The insert data to the table is made in Laravel by the following methods. NOTE While creating associative array for initialize the Array make sure that their you have defined id and For example